Video games for sports are an important source of PR

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Video games for sports are an important source of PR

Messagepar Skyzhay » 14 avr. 2022, 09:52

I'm not sure they'd do it have if the career-hit single-player story NBA 2K22 MT were as secure and boring like Madden NFL 22's The Face of the Franchise. I know I wouldn't tolerate being expected to conduct myself courteously and with respect every moment in the commercial, transactional environment of MyCareer's hub city.

It was a great way prior to that crucial encounter with the Nets to release my frustration with my interviewer Candace Green and see my followers grow and my own personal “brand” shoot up in virtually every measure. In other sports-related video games, the me-first-vituperation will usually get you a passive-aggressive hint that players aren't required to behave that way.

I've grown accustomed to that; video games for sports are an important source of PR for the leagues that license them, and developers typically want to showcase them and their players in the best possible image. It's good to know that to me that the NBA as well as 2K Sports have a trusting enough relationship that natural conflict and disagreements that come with professional sports can be displayed and resolved effectively. The result is a professional career that makes me feel part of the action and not just a part of the team being taken advantage of.

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Re: Video games for sports are an important source of PR

Messagepar xaxxus » 02 mars 2024, 19:30


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Re: Video games for sports are an important source of PR

Messagepar xaxxus » 03 mai 2024, 07:19

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